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Unified Population Health Care Management Cloud Solution


Affordable     Flexible      Scalable     Customizable

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Introduction and Overview

Hevitra Solutions’ “UNITY PHMCS” is a responsive, flexible, and scalable health care data management solution built upon a Population Healthcare Management (PHM) systems foundation methodology.  UNITY is an innovative and affordable healthcare information cloud solution that addresses health care service and infrastructure deficiencies in developing communities around the world.


Hevitra’s UNITY PHMCS Solution services a wide range of health care areas by:


  • Collecting, digitizing, and harmonizing en-masse patient population data


  • Address operational inefficiencies to optimize costs, expanded access, and balance care distribution


  • Deliver service quality improvements, cognitive analytics, data sharing and data monetization​


The UNITY PHMCS solution is:


  • A custom-tailored cloud platform, ready-to-run, built specifically to meet the needs of any healthcare population initiative


  • A Full stack solution based on U.S. Government health care standards (HIPAA, FHIR, FISMA, and FDA)


  • Built on latest proven FullStack, Open-Source with blockchain technology and machine learning analytics with a REST API design that affords greater open integration by 3rd Party entities


  • Designed and structured for rapid deployment that will address service and infrastructure deficiencies


UNITY PHMCS' interoperability layer ensures strong integration, which enables external data to be incorporated into our clinical data repository and data warehouse to be used in care management workflows, data-sharing, analytics, and reporting.  This allows stratification to be shared with other systems within a heterogeneous ecosystem.


Integrating data across a broad footprint of end-users enables health care providers to better understand their populations, learn from them, and improve their processes so they achieve better outcomes and become self-sufficient.

Module Menu
Patient Registry
UNITY Paitent Registry Module.png

Patient Registry

The Patient Health Registry (PHR) module is a digital version of a patient’s physical record. PHRs provide real-time accessible patient records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users. The PHR system is built to go beyond standard clinical data collected in a provider’s office and can be inclusive of a broader view of a patient’s medical profile and care history.


  • Contains a patient’s medical history, diagnosis, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, surgeries and laboratory and test results


  • Allow access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient’s care


  • Automates and streamlines providers workflow


  • Use of biometrics to accurately identify patient and assign a Unique Patient ID Numbertm

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Clinical Directory

The Clinical Directory (CRD) module is a digital version of a populations caregiver resources (doctors, nurses, specialists, technicians, midwives and social workers).  All caregiver resources, are registered and are documented with their position, education, skills, expertise, location, as well as all other pertinent information needed for improved health care service delivery, access and planning.


  • Comprehensive list of all available health care caregiver resources


  • ​Advanced knowledge of specialized skills to help identify better distribution


  • Ability to run advanced analytics to determine gaps in resources


  • Intelligence about redistribution and balancing of resources


  • Ability to develop short-term as well as long-term coverage plans


  • Ability to build and future-proof health care servicing needs


  • Ability to identify the right resources for urgent needs


  • Ability to proactively respond to emergency needs and disease outbreaks

Clinical Directory
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Treatment Guide

The Treatment Standards Guide (TSG) module is a guide for national and international standardized treatment options and methods.  The TSG also provides a platform to integrate local homeopathic treatment remedies.  Additionally, the TSG is integrated with a customizable Emergency Outbreak Notification and Quarantine Initiation and Isolation (EONQII) feature.


  • Provides standardized guidance to caregivers


  • Provides invaluable assistance to all caregivers, especially those with lower skill levels


  • Enable caregivers to concentrate on making the correct diagnosis because treatment options will be provided for them


  • New standards are dynamically updated and immediately available which will reduce education cost and improve care services


  • Emergency outbreak notifications and information are rapidly dispersed and updates can be made via smartphones and non-smartphones

Treatment Guide
Clinical Logistics
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Clinical Logistics

The Clinical Logistics Manager (CLM) module helps realize the long-term and transparent hospital. The value of this lies in better planning, improved quality, increased efficiency, effective management of staff, patients, facilities, and equipment and optimized communication for hospital employees. In addition, clinical logistics gives the ability to provide excellent service and a coherent course of treatment for patients.


  • Emergency:  Clinical Logistics–helps the  emergency department ensure a more efficient flow of acute cases


  • Surgical:  Clinical Logistics–helps coordinate and manage surgery operations to help plan and schedule staff and teams.


  • Patient Ward:  Clinical Logistics– helps each coordinator to plan the ward activities and staff more effectively 

Pharmacy Logistics
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Pharmacy Logistics

The Pharmacy Logistics Manager (PLM) module provides two core functions: electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) and inventory Visibility.  E-prescribing allows providers in the ambulatory care field to send prescriptions electronically to the pharmacy.  Inventory visibility allows providers to identify pharmacies with the prescribed medication in stock and in close proximity to the patient to improve service and lower cost.


  • Improved productivity​


  • Convenience for patients


  • Integrate with and support Emergency Outbreak Notification system


  • Improve patient care


  • Improved patient safety


  • Increased medication compliance


  • Improves Inventory monitoring and control


  • Speeds up the medication reconciliation process

Facility Logistics
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Facility Logistics

The Facility Logistics Manager (FLM) module is essential for a functioning healthcare system. It address two key areas: inventory and scheduling of medical devices and equipment for diagnosis and treatment of illness and disease as well as patient rehabilitation. Secondly, keeps track of and helps book facility rooms, patient rooms, and surgery rooms.


  • Facility information, location, and contact


  • Inventory control and version-controlled electronic inspection checklists


  • Making recurring inspection and action assignments


  • Preventive maintenance scheduling


  • Maintenance history and full lifecycle costing


  • Equipment booking and management


  • Room booking and management

Supply Logistics
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Supply Logistics

The Supply Logistics Manager (SLM) module is essential for managing a healthcare organization’s supply infrastructure.  Its designed to create a quality standard and balanced playing field for all suppliers; creating a competitive environment that will save the organization money and increase patient care.  Additionally, it creates better end-to-end visibility about all of the products, devices, and supplies used across the entire population.


  • Automation of manual processes


  • Establish efficient trading partner relationships


  • Reducing waste and excess product


  • Enabling automation for regional care suppliers


  • Levels playing field and increases competition amongst suppliers


  • Establishes quality standards that all suppliers must follow


  • Automates ordering processes


  • Provides supply inventory control and reporting

Scheduling Manager
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Scheduling Manager

The Scheduling Operations Manager (SOM) module blends automation into caregivers' workflows, increasing productivity by making care delivery processes more efficient. Automated scheduling optimizes provider access, improves service delivery, and increases operational efficiencies which lowers cost and makes population health management feasible, responsive, scalable, and sustainable.


  • Offers treatment windows to patients optimized for time efficiency to minimize wait and over-spending


  • Alerts providers of upcoming appointments and offers health-snapshot to increase efficiency of patient contacts


  • Offers patients the ability to inform providers in advance of any specific health care needs


  • Reminds and prompts patients and providers of prior medical history and prescriptions to minimize drug waste and increase patient safety


  • Automatically reshuffles general care appointments then prioritize high impact risk cases

Accounting Manager
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Accounting Manager

The Accounting Operations Manager (AOM) module is designed with a customizable set of features to allow for country-specific design standardization.  This module is broken down into two principle elements:  Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting.


  • The Financial Accounting aspect of the Accounting Registry is designed with a “look-back” aspect to record and report on the financial health and history of the health care organization.  


  • The Managerial Accounting aspect of the Accounting Registry is designed with a “look-forward” aspect to provide information that can be used for making improved decisions for the future. 

Report Generator
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Report Generator

The Report Generator (RG) maps and visualizes the data to characterize a population’s health and social service needs; target interventions; and compare outcomes across different population subgroups.  This is necessary to track operations; improve efficiency; report quality measures; monitor program integrity; and plan for expanded service and resource needs. 


  • Measure outcomes


  • Identify opportunities for improvements


  •  Improve quality of service


  • Identify service and resource needs 


  • Measure results to identify potential problem areas before they arise


  • Identify areas where cost can be optimized and waste can be reduced


  • Generate customized population reports

©2018 by Hevitra Solutions, Inc.

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